Poster Art | Puerto Rico design to the world

Artistas | arte en Puerto Rico | Arte Contemporáneo | Arte | Artistas Puertorriqueños | Cultura
Artistas | arte en Puerto Rico | Arte Contemporáneo | Arte | Artistas Puertorriqueños | Cultura

The collection of posters of the Museum of History, Anthropology and Arts of Puerto Rico soon be are available to the art lovers.

Redacción/ Escrito por Javier Martínez Autogiro Arte Actual  / Check this other sites: Tinta(a )Diario / Crónicaurbana el blogCrónicaUrbana  /  Catálogos de arte /  Cultural Auction Items | Visit [a] Autogiro Facebook for more news


Oscar Mestey, ¡Nunca más!,1990 serigafía 38-1/8” x 25-3/16”



Photo in

The museum’s collection of posters will be available to the public. The collection includes 4,000 art posters.  all the posters are already digitized and soon available for users, researchers and students around the world.

Main facts

  1. Includes works of the main Puerto Rican poster artists from 1949 to the present
  2. Funds from  the National Endowment for the Humanities
  3. It was add to Museum System (TMS) and eMuseums
  4. Flavia Marichal Lugo, Museum Director

Some reports on the web

  1. Colección de afiches del Museo UPR-RP se abre al ciberespacio


Nelson Sambolín, Oliva Mimo Puertorriqueño 1980, serigrafía 25-1/4” x 18-1/2”


Jesús Cardona,1er. Festival de Títeres, 1977 serigrafía 19-3/4” x 14-1/4”


Antonio Martorell, La Batalla de Argelia,1969 serigrafía 37-1/2” x 24- 7/8”


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Javier Martínez  es artista multidisciplinario de Puerto Rico |  Behance / Tumblr


Javier Martínez/artista multidisciplinario de Puerto Rico | Visite @javiermartinezarte en Instagram

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