Más allá del Lienzo | Newcomb Museum

Cinco artistas exhiben sus piezas en Nueva Orleans , en el Museo Arte de Newcomb.
Redacción/ Escrito por Javier Martínez / Marzo-Abril , 2017
La Universidad de Tulane en Nueva Orleans (LA), fue la primera universidad norteamericana enfocada en garantizar educación superior para las mujeres. Es el Museo de Arte de Newcomb ubicado en el campus de la Universidad donde un colectivo de artistas del patio presentará la exhibición «Beyond the Canvas: Contemporary Art from Puerto Rico» ( Más allá del lienzo: Arte contemporáneo de Puerto Rico ).
Recién en su historia la institución se ha centrado cada vez más en exposiciones y programas que exploran el arte socialmente comprometido, el diálogo cívico y las transformaciones de la comunidad, esto además de ser conocido por su colección de cerámica (Newcomb), artesanías así como por administrar la colección de arte de la universidad.
Los artistas Zilia Sánchez, Julio Suárez, Arnaldo Roche Rabell, Pedro Vélez, Elsa María Meléndez desafían la noción del lienzo como una superficie plana en la pintura. A través de estrategias basadas en la tensión aplicada al tejido ( tirando, frotando, plegando, fricción, rasgaduras o deformaciones) que confieren a sus obras una tridimensionalidad. Así sus temas o su miradas aluden a la actual crisis socio económica de la isla que sugieren la ruptura, la tensión y escape.
- Abril 26 a julio y finaliza en julio 9, 2017
- Curada por Mónica Ramírez-Montagut y Warren James
- Con los artistas: Zilia Sánchez, Julio Suárez, Arnaldo Roche Rabell, Pedro Vélez, Elsa María Meléndez
- Entrada Gratuita: el museo abre de martes a viernes, de 10 am a 5 pm; Sábado y domingo 11 am 4 pm y también por cita previa.

Pedro Velez, Surrender Flag with Dollar Skull, or Surrender Flag with Zombie Abstraction, 2015, imagen en la página Newcomb Art Museum

Elsa María Meléndez, Flores del mal, 2014, imagen en la pagina Newcomb Art Museum
Acerca de los artistas (texto en inglés)
Zilia Sánchez
With a career spanning sixty-five years and inclusion in the 2017 Venice Biennale, Zilia Sánchez is known for shaped canvases made of material stretched over handmade wooden frames. Her reduced color palettes and serial processes connect her to Minimalism, though her curvilinear, volumetric forms alluding to corporal topographies remain distinctive. Sánchez graduated from the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes San Alejandro, later studying at New York’s Pratt Institute. Before her 2013 survey at Artists Space, New York, Sánchez’s work had rarely been seen outside of Puerto Rico. A solo exhibition of her work will be presented at the Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C., in 2019. Her work is in the collections of the Walker Art Center, Minnesota; the Phillips Collection; and Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires, Argentina, among others.
Julio Suárez
Julio Suárez folds and pleats the fabric of his geometric-shaped paintings toward achieving a low-relief within the forms. His works are characterized by invisible brushwork and minimal use of color. Most recently, he has created installations that give his paintings physical and spatial dimensions. He completed his undergraduate work at the Puerto Rico Escuela de Artes Plásticas and his graduate studies at the Academia San Carlo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico. He has had solo exhibitions at institutions such as Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico in San Juan and Museo de Arte Moderno in Santo Domingo.
Arnaldo Roche Rabell
Arnaldo Roche Rabell creates large-scale works using the rubbing technique of frottage. He places persons, objects, and vegetation under the canvas and builds his images through multiple layers of paint. Roche Rabell studied architecture at the Universidad de Puerto Rico and holds a BFA and MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. His work has been exhibited at the Art Institute of Chicago, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C., and New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art and Museum of Modern Art, among others.
Pedro Vélez
Pedro Vélez rips and shreds the canvas to create flags and banners referencing current sociopolitical issues. Most recently, he has merged his interest in art and art criticism into “visual essays” that resemble movie or pop music posters and comment on a variety of issues, including economics, aesthetics, and race in the contemporary art world. Vélez holds a BA in Communications from Puerto Rico’s Universidad del Sagrado Corazón and an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He has participated in American and international solo and group exhibitions at numerous galleries, museums, and art fairs including the 2014 Whitney Biennial in New York.
Elsa María Meléndez
Elsa María Meléndez is a printmaker, painter, and creator of installations. She is known for her labor-intensive works incorporating embroidery, sewing, mending, sorting, and the accumulation of objects, fabrics, and materials. Her unconventional representations of female bodies address issues of women’s identity, sexuality, and eroticism in an open and direct way. She studied at the Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, where she earned a BFA in 1997.
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Javier Martínez es artista multidisciplinario de Puerto Rico