1414 y su contexto | Espacio Berezdivin

Arte y contexto en 1414 espacio Berezdivin.

Redacción/ Escrito por Javier Martínez /

El espacio que presenta la colección de la familia Berezdivin en Santurce tiene una nueva muestra que lleva por título Arte y contexto aunque decimos nueva es realmente la segunda parte de una exhibición que comenzó unos meses atrás. Con cuarenta artistas que están en esta nueva entrega y que ocupan los tres pisos se podrán observar piezas que desarrollan críticas o miradas de escepticismo en ocasiones con el lenguaje del tema que critican.

Datos del lugar y la exposición

  • Aunque no tenemos la lista completa participan en esta muestra Fernando Bryce, Simon Starling, Maurizio Cattelan, Helio Oiticica, Meyer Vaisman, Félix González Torres, Josephine Meckseper.
  • La muestra es conceptualizada por Julieta González curadora a cargo de la colección
  • Esta colección le pertenece a Diana y Moisés Berezdivin
  • El espacio abrió en el año 2005 si quiere saber más visite su portal


art and context

a selection of works from the berezdivin collection

Art and context aims to examine, through a series of exhibitions, the relationships between art and context, as well as the representations that arise from the diverse modes of production and exhibition of the work of art. The first exhibition in the series, art and context I: leave your mind and come to your senses addressed the redefinition of the notion of spectatorship and reconsidered the spectator’s relation with the exhibition space and the artwork. Many of the works presented in art and context I evidenced a departure from the object and focused on the experiential aspect of art, challenging traditional conventions of display and engaging the public in an awareness of the exhibition space, its dynamics and discourses. This “dematerialization” of the work of art — a clear legacy of conceptualist strategies of the sixties and seventies– plays an important role in the shift towards the work’s transformation into a semantic object and its agency in the production of meaning; where object, context, and audience become the constitutive elements of the work of art. The very definition of context has also expanded to imply not only the physical location of the work but the cultural, social and economic milieus that inform art’s production and circulation. On this occasion the exhibitions that comprise, art and context, II, III, and IV, examine institutional and commercial contexts and their logics of display and representation; inviting the spectator to become a keen observer, an ethnographer of sorts, in order to better assess the complex negotiations of meaning that take place between art and context.

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Javier Martínez es artista multidisciplinario de Puerto Rico


Javier Martínez/artista multidisciplinario de Puerto Rico | Visite @javiermartinezarte en Instagram

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