A Fuego lento se Abrasa la Cultura

At a slow fire, burn culture
The Fire of the Museum of Brazil overwhelms us, for its speed and destructive amount. But corruption, bureaucracy and vile politics; they consume the culture of our countries daily and for decades.
Arte Cultura y Entretenimiento | Redacción/ Escrito por Javier Martínez | Visit [a] Autogiro Facebook for more news
We have recently lost an important legacy of humanity contained in the National Museum of Brazil; but neglect, abandonment and cultural ignorance in our countries consume day after day and in miserable accumulation, the history and culture of our countries.
The stories are well known: historical archives abandoned to their fate, inadequate deposit conditions, lack of public art protection, the absence of fine arts in schools, lax regulations or ignorance that lead to the permanent loss of national monuments, cultural thefts and I can go on for many more lines but one etc. is enough for you reader to understand the insufferable story.
The fair, sensible or responsible treatment of heritage and cultural heritage by law is non-existent, so consumed so immediately by the fire in the National Museum of Brazil we are overwhelmed but slowly and invisibly scald the historical and artistic memory of the nations.
What has been lost in an intense and immediate fire in the fire of the National Museum of Brazil has been destroyed little by little for decades in the culture of our countries.
So let us mourn the cultural tragedy that has taken place; but not by much, because there are cultural deaths daily in our soils and we must act fast, to prevent future genocides.
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Javier Martínez es artista multidisciplinario de Puerto Rico | Behance / Tumblr